結合語音辨識(speech recognition,講話也可視為"input")的電子產品,
會不會找到第二春?以現階段來看,除了尚未找出一種Killer Business
Originally from http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-9953243-56.html
Posted by Ina Fried
CARLSBAD, Calif.--In an interesting but perhaps unsurprising move,
Microsoft plans to add multitouch interface to Windows 7, CNET
News.com has learned. The interface will be shown in just a few
minutes as part of Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates' keynote at the
D6 event here.
Update: Ballmer says it will come in late 2009. Corporate VP Julie
Larson-Green demonstrated the multitouch technology, painting with
several fingers at the same time to show how it can process not
just touch, but multiple simultaneous input.
"It's much faster to do certain tasks than using a mouse," Larson-
Green said. She also showed rotating photos by pinching and rotating,
much like Microsoft's surface or Apple's iPhone.
Microsoft had previously hinted that the touch gestures would find
their way into Windows. In an interesting twist though, the new
technology will work with existing touch screens, Microsoft said.
They showed it running on an existing Dell laptop.
A Microsoft blog with a demo can be found here and I've added in
Microsoft's video as well at the end of the post.
Analysis and context: I took three major things away from the
multitouch demo.
1. Multitouch is going to be ubiquitous. And by this I don't
just mean on every Windows machine. I also expect Apple to have
a similar feature on its computers, and quite possibly ahead of
Windows 7 final ship date.
2. We're going to see touch on a lot more machines ahead of
Windows 7. I expect this will help convince PC makers to include
touch screens even in Vista machines so they can be "7-proof."
Touch can come in many forms. We've already seen that the laptop's
touch pad can prove to be a cost-effective spot for gesture
sensitive touch, and I think we will see other interesting
gesture recognition approaches beyond just making the full
screen touch sensitive.
3. User interfaces are a key selling point in Microsoft's No. 1
longterm Windows goal--making the OS matter. Windows is not just
under attack from Apple. It's also under attack from forces that
threaten to make the OS less relevant, whether it's browser-based
applications or (pardon the phrase, boss) Web operating systems.
Two such efforts are going to be on display here at D: G.ho.st
(which presents Wednesday) and Glide, which presents on Thursday.
I spoke with CEO Donald Leka, who talked about how Glide allows
documents to be shared across devices, such as a Mac user trying
to share a QuickTime file with a mobile phone user that happens
to have RealPlayer or Windows Media on their device. The company's
support for the iPhone, in particular, has been a boon, Leka said.
"The iPhone is probably the best thing that ever happened," he said.
As is often the case, things were a little less compelling when it
comes to the business model and the drivers that will push someone
to one of these efforts over another. Leka said the company can make
money off commerce and by selling premium subscriptions on top of
the 5GB of free storage Glide provides.
- Jul 13 Sun 2008 17:50
Microsoft to add multitouch interface to Windows 7