目前所知道的台灣垃圾車會撥放的曲子有三首,一首就是大家都耳熟能詳的”給愛麗(莉)絲”,作曲者是貝多芬(Beethoven,Lundwig Van )。還有一首就是目前要介紹的曲子”少女的祈禱”,作曲者女作曲家苔克拉芭達捷芙絲卡(Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska )。還有一首就是”垃圾車”,五月天所唱的歌。
以下是作曲家苔克拉芭達捷芙絲卡(Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska)的生平介紹,取至wikipedia網:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tekla_Badarzewska
Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska (1834 -September 29, 1861) was a Polish composer. Her birth date is unclear; there are also references to her being born in 1838.
By far her most famous composition is the piece Modlitwa dziewicy Op. 4 (A Maiden’s Prayer), which was published in 1856 in Warsaw, and then as a supplement to the Paris Revue et Gazette Musicale in 1859.
Possibly one of the biggest selling pieces of piano music of all time, the piece, which is still recorded, is a medium difficulty short piano piece for intermediate pianists. Some have liked it for its charming and romantic melody: others have described it as ”sentimental salon tosh”. Arthur Loesser described it as ‘this dowdy product of ineptitude’.
The English language lyrics were written by John Stowell Adams.
Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska (1834 -September 29, 1861) was a Polish composer. Her birth date is unclear; there are also references to her being born in 1838.
By far her most famous composition is the piece Modlitwa dziewicy Op. 4 (A Maiden’s Prayer), which was published in 1856 in Warsaw, and then as a supplement to the Paris Revue et Gazette Musicale in 1859.
Possibly one of the biggest selling pieces of piano music of all time, the piece, which is still recorded, is a medium difficulty short piano piece for intermediate pianists. Some have liked it for its charming and romantic melody: others have described it as ”sentimental salon tosh”. Arthur Loesser described it as ‘this dowdy product of ineptitude’.
The English language lyrics were written by John Stowell Adams.
苔克拉芭達捷芙絲卡 (Tekla Badarzewska,1834-1861),波蘭女作曲家、鋼琴家。主要作品為三十五首鋼琴小品,風格單純而清麗,但她的大部分作品默默無聞,只有《少女的祈禱》(作於1859年)是世界名曲中最為膾炙人口的鋼琴小品之一。
流傳於世的作品僅有一首,即鋼琴獨奏《少女的祈禱》 (Modlitwa dziewicy)。該曲作於1856年,發表於1859年的巴黎音樂評論附件,是有史以來最為暢銷的鋼琴曲之一。此曲難度中等,因其浪漫而迷人的旋律為許多人喜愛。有一些人,則將此曲說成是「沙龍中的情感垃圾」。
美國鄉村音樂家鮑伯威爾斯(Bob Wills)為《少女的祈禱》填瞭如下的歌詞:
[編輯] Maiden’s Prayer
Lyrics by Bob Wills
Twilight falls, ev’nin’ shadows find,
There ’neath the stars, a maiden, so fair, divine.
Lonely there she kneels, and tells the stars above
In her heart is a song, an’ there it belongs:
Her undying song of love.
Ev’ry word reveals an empty broken heart
Broken by fate that held them so far apart.
Stars on high, seem to know she’s there.
In her heart is a song, an’ there it belongs:
Her undying song of love.
苔克拉芭達捷芙絲卡 (Tekla Badarzewska,1834-1861),波蘭女作曲家、鋼琴家。主要作品為三十五首鋼琴小品,風格單純而清麗,但她的大部分作品默默無聞,只有《少女的祈禱》(作於1859年)是世界名曲中最為膾炙人口的鋼琴小品之一。
流傳於世的作品僅有一首,即鋼琴獨奏《少女的祈禱》 (Modlitwa dziewicy)。該曲作於1856年,發表於1859年的巴黎音樂評論附件,是有史以來最為暢銷的鋼琴曲之一。此曲難度中等,因其浪漫而迷人的旋律為許多人喜愛。有一些人,則將此曲說成是「沙龍中的情感垃圾」。
美國鄉村音樂家鮑伯威爾斯(Bob Wills)為《少女的祈禱》填瞭如下的歌詞:
[編輯] Maiden’s Prayer
Lyrics by Bob Wills
Twilight falls, ev’nin’ shadows find,
There ’neath the stars, a maiden, so fair, divine.
Lonely there she kneels, and tells the stars above
In her heart is a song, an’ there it belongs:
Her undying song of love.
Ev’ry word reveals an empty broken heart
Broken by fate that held them so far apart.
Stars on high, seem to know she’s there.
In her heart is a song, an’ there it belongs:
Her undying song of love.